Thanks Tony, for all the excellent contributions that you
have made while you have been with us. Hope to see you back
again sometime. You are not alone with the "burn-out" issue.
Wishing you all the best.

Tony Collen wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I've decided to unplug for a while.  I'm in the midst of packing up and
> moving to a new apartment, and with the summer semester starting at
> school, I'm finding that I have less and less time to devote to the lists.
> On top of that, I'm not even using Cocoon at work. The project that I've
> been rolling around in my noodle for the past few months has hit a
> critical point, where either I keep working out it, and be totally
> uninterested in it, or put the breaks on it and come back later when I
> have the passion again.  Although I've had several people inquiring about
> the project (RSS weather feeds), and the time seems right to "unleash" it
> as it were, I don't think I could put forth a decent effort into the
> project, and risk releasing a shoddy service.
> With the extra classwork, and the "daily grind" as it were, I'm also
> becoming less and less interested in programming as a hobby.
> Unfortunately, these lists, and Cocoon in general fall under the "hobby"
> umbrella, so I've decided that I need a break.
> Blogging will be light (see URL below), if at all, and I'll be unsubbing
> from the Cocoon lists until I'm no longer burnt-out.  I could be gone a
> week, a month, or even more.  (Hopefully not anything as drastic as a
> year, though :) )  On a side note, I have been immensely pleased to see
> Stefano and Carsten patch things up between them.  The skies have indeed
> cleared a considerable amount in Cocoon Land the past couple days.
> Ciao everybody,
> Tony
> --
> Tony Collen
> ICQ: 12410567
> --
> Cocoon: Internet Glue (A weblog about Apache Cocoon)
> --

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