On Fri, 01 Jun 2001 15:16:10 +0400, "Grigory V. Manushkin" wrote:

>sorry for disturb
>i try to launch C2a7 on Resin 1.3 snap
>as u describe in ur message on cocoon mailing list
>but i get this

I personally haven't tried the Resin 1.3 yet.  But from the
stack trace you provided, it looks like there's another
jar file that has a competing XML parser in it.

It's this class that's being called that makes me suspect
there's still an XML parser jar somewhere in in the
resin 1.3 lib directory:

>        at com.caucho.xml.AbstractParser.setProperty(AbstractParser.java:299)

Couple of questions that will help in identifying where the
problem lies:

  1.  What does your CLASSPATH look like?  It should be blank when
      you start up Resin.
  2.  What are the contents of the resin/lib directory?  I'm guessing
      that one of the jar files in there has the
      com.caucho.xml.AbstractParser class.   You could do 
      a "jar tf" against each jar in that directory and look
      for the com.caucho.xml.AbstractParser class and try
      renaming that jar file.

Let me know how things go!

Rick Tessner    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MYRA Systems Corp. Fone: (250) 381 1335 x125  Phax: (250) 381 1304
                   Cell: (250) 885 9452

"Hmmm.  They have the Internet on computers now!"

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FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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