On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Luis Gois wrote:

> Donald :
>     One of my coleagues tried something similar to what you've
> sugested, but the connection was getting closed after the lock
> statement, therefore loosing the lock! But looking more carefully at
> your code, I think he was doing something like this :
> <esql:connection>
>  <esql:execute-query>
>   <esql:query>lock table...</esql:query>
>  </esql:execute-query>
> <esql:results>
>     <esql:connection>
>          <esql:execute-query>
>               <esql:query>process table...</esql:query>
>           </esql:execute-query>
>     </esql:connection>
> </esql:results>
>  <esql:execute-query>
>   <esql:query>unlock table...</esql:query>
>  </esql:execute-query>
> </esql:connection>

that's invalid esql. the esql:results element must appear underneath an
esql:execute-query element.

- donald

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