On Tue, 5 Jun 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> There is something funny going on with my cocoon interpreter or
> classloader...  I am using an xsp page to format data, part of which is
> creating a simple bean (so simple that all it has an empty constructor and a
> single method that returns some xml... no explicit imports).
> The page compiles correctly (so the class is found correctly during
> compilation) but then when the page is executed, I get a
> java.lang.NoClassDefFound error, referring to my test class.
>   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: framework/test/PretendEJB
>               at
> _opt._www._websites._laetitia._html._test._unitprice._unit_price.populateDoc
> ument(_unit_price.java:149)
>               at
> org.apache.cocoon.processor.xsp.XSPPage.getDocument(XSPPage.java:97)
>               ...
> The snippet of xml that is causing the problem is:
>   <xsl:template match="unit-price-matrix2">
>     <xsp:logic>
>       framework.test.PretendEJB ejb = new framework.test.PretendEJB();
>       </xsp:logic>
>       <xsp:content select="unit-price-matrix">
>         <xsp:expr>
>         ejb.getXML()
>         </xsp:expr>
>       </xsp:content>
>   </xsl:template>
> I am not sure that this will end up working as I expect, anyway, but not
> finding the class is a bit of a showstopper.  A JSP page in the same
> directory works as expected.  I would have thought that the servlet shared
> the same class loader as the JSP engine.
> Specs:
>   Cocoon 1.8.2
>   Tomcat 3.2.2
>   Apache 1.3.19
>   JDK 1.3.1
>   Linux 2.4.2-2 (Redhat 7.1)

the xsp class loader is perhaps a bit broken. try putting your lib in the
tomcat shared lib directory.

- donald

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