If I understand your question, you want to check request parameters and
then only do a query if all the request parameters are correct.  I've done
this by writing tags like this:

<xsl:template match="mylib:if-valid-query">
    if (...) {

Then you write your XSP like so:



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Subject:  Checking request parameters ....... planing architecture.

I do not want to have java code in my xsp pages,
therefore I want to write a taglibrary for checking
request parameters.

Examples of provided tags:

<date-format param="..." message="...wrong date format..."/>
<check-null param="..." message="...."/>
<check-maxlength param="..." message="...typed text too long..."/>
<check-int param="..." message="...wrong number format..."/>
<check-empty param="..." message="..."/>

the code for each tag will take the request parameter, check a condition
and if it is wrong inserts a <error message="..."/> tag to the document,
which will be displayed for the user.

But, after checking parameters, I want to use <esql:connection> - to
database operations. And I do not know how to make the execution of esql
stuff dependent of tags for parameter checking?

     <check-empty param="X" message="Fill X field"/>
     <check-empty param="Y" message="Fill X field"/>
     <date-format param="Z" message="Type correct date in Z field"/>

          <query>INSERT INTO DATA (X,Y,Z) VALUES (
               <esql:parameter><request:get-parameter name
               <esql:parameter><request:get-parameter name
               <esql:parameter><request:get-parameter name


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