I'm a relatively new to Cocoon and XSLT, but I've verified that this
problem is specific at least to Cocoon 2.1-dev (from the beginning of
June so forgive me if this has been fixed in the most recent CVS) by
doing a comparative test using the same XML and XSL files with the Perl
XML::LibXSLT module.  The problem is this line in the XSL transformed
HTML output:

<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

Cocoon (or rather I'm guessing it might be Xalan, because I couldn't
find any place to change this in the Cocoon configuration files, but I
could have missed it.- I just grepped the various terms I was looking
for on the Cocoon directory) insists on setting the charset to UTF-8
even when I change the output line in my XSL file:

<xsl:output method="html" indent="yes" encoding="iso-8859-1" />

The Perl XML::LibXSLT module (using gnome's LibXSLT) on the other hand
changes the META tags charset attribute based my changes to the
xsl:output encoding attribute which seems to be the correct way to
handle it.

This wouldn't be that big a deal, but I'm running into a problem with
applying CSS font styles in the Macintosh version of Netscape (4.75) It
appears to be a problem with Netscape's support for UTF-8 (I can set
font sizes, weights and other styles, but it will not display san-serif
fonts when the META tag's charset attribute set to UTF-8!? The problem
goes away when it's set to iso-8859-1)

To see evidence of this for yourself just take a look some of he Cocoon2
examples that include an xsl:output encoding attribute in their xsl
files in the Mac version of Netscape (4.7*) and compare it to Internet
Explorer on the Mac or PC.

Any pointers or suggestions on where to find out more about fixing or
configuring this would be appreciated.  Also I apologize if this is a
known issue with Xalan, or if this belongs on the Xalan list rather than
the Cocoon list.

Thanks in advance


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fn:Eirik Dentz

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