Hi everyone,

I got it, the problem was when I tried to compare with null, I don't know why Cocoon doesn't recongnize the condition if (Test !=null), could this be a bug ?, in other to make it works I change to:

String Test;
 Test = request.getParameter("EMP_DEP");
      if (Test.length() !=0)

See you.


Gustavo Mejia wrote:

Hi Pal,

Thanks, I also tried this, with no good results, still passing to the code, that I need to skip.


any other Idea is very wellcome !!

Thanks !!

Pal Wester wrote:

Why not just use request.getParameter("EMP_DEP") when ur in a javablock...<xsp:logic>
  if ( request.getParameter("EMP_DEP")  != null )
              <esql:query>insert into Departamento values(
                   <esql:parameter type="string"><request:get-parameter name="EMP_CLVE"/></esql:parameter>,
                   <esql:parameter type="string"><request:get-parameter name="EMP_DEP"/></esql:parameter>

mvh: Pål Wester