--- Zeljko Rajic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb: > 
> > did you specify the Namespaces and the programming
> > language in your xsp-file correctly ?
> > e.g. like this:
> > <xsp:page
> > language="java"
> > xmlns:xsp="http://apache.org/xsp";
> >
> I had set the namespace as follows:
> 'xmlns:xsp-request="http://apache.org/xsp/request'.
> I changed the namespace
> value as you suggested and the compiler error
> disappeared. Are the values/URIs
> for the namespaces anywhere documented?
> Anyway, still it does not work as I would expect.
> The following XSP fragment
> produces the following output...
> XSP fragment:
> <p>
>    Parameter 'param1' value:
>    <xsp-request:get-parameter as="string"
> default="default Value">
>       <xsp-request:name>someValue</xsp-request:name>
>    </xsp-request:get-parameter>
> </p>
> output:
> Parameter 'param1' value: someValue
> Is there still something wrong?

hmmm maybe you want to try something like this

<xsp-request:get-parameter name="someValue"
default="Not provided"/>

...in your xsp.



Daniel Pfuhl

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