here's my problem :
I'm trying to include a file plan.xml in index.xml using xinclude (they are
in the same directory) and I keep getting :
org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to execute
C:\dweb\tomcat\webapps\cocoon\sens3d_cc\test\index.xmlplan.xml (Le fichier
spécifié est introuvable)
and I don't understand what I'm doing to get this path
here's part of my sitemap.xmap:
(I ve got the "map:transformer xinclude.." line )
 <!-- ========================= sens3d_cc
================================ -->

  <map:match pattern="sens3d_cc/test/index.xml">
      <map:generate src="sens3d_cc/test/index.xml"/>
      <map:transform type="xinclude"/>
      <map:transform src="sens3d_cc/test/index.xsl"/>
      <map:serialize type="html"/>

  <map:match pattern="plan.xml">
        <map:generate src="sens3d_cc/test/plan.xml"/>

  <map:match pattern="sens3d_cc/test/feuille_style.css">
      <map:read src="sens3d_cc/test/feuille_style.css"



and my file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<?cocoon-process type="xinclude"?>

<page title="SenS'3D Home Page"

 <column logo_src="SenS3D.jpg" logo_name="Bienvenue sur notre site"
update="12/05/2001" >
<xinclude:include parse="xml" href="plan.xml"/>


thank you

C de Corbier

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