On Wed, 04 Jul 2001 00:01:05 +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dear Cocoon users
> We are in the midst of implementing a publishing tool using Cocoon 2. We
> understand that in order to add a new web page into the system, we will
> need to update the sitemap file and recompile this. We may need to
> restart Tomcat as well in order for the system to recognise the new web
> page.

You don't need to restart tomcat. Cocoon should notice the changed sitemap and reload 
it. This is happening and working perfectly with the main sitemap. For sub-sitemaps, 
though, I've been having problems. Cocoon doesn't seem to detect the changed sitemap, 
and keeps using the old one. I've been using the workaround of requesting the URL with 
a cocoon-reload=true parameter, but I want to find out what's happening. 

You'll probably want to change sitemap recompiling to synchronous. It is set to 
asynchronous by default. Have a look at the bottom of cocoon.xconf.

> Please let me know if the above assumptions are correct. Perhaps we are
> using it wrongly.
> However, we are building a system to allow the content owners to
> dynamically add new web pages. If the above conditions are true, and our
> system has about 10 content owners, must we restart Tomcat and recompile
> the sitemap each time the owners add new pages?

Here, it'd be probably better if each user has his own sitemap, mounted from the main 
sitemap. This makes it so that a user sitemap change doesn't force a site-wide sitemap 
recompile. Only the local sitemap gets recompiled.

> Please help... We are rushing to implement this system in 2 weeks time
> and really need all the help we can.

Good luck, and don't forget to write back with the results :-)

Sergio Carvalho

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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