Hi Joseph,

        We have a similar configuration here, but its with Solaris 2.6.

        What's happening when you start tomcat ? What's in the servlet and
        cocoon2 logfiles ?



On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Rajkumar, Joseph wrote:

> Hi Folks
>     Does any one have this combination working on
> a Sun/Solaris-2.7 box. I have tried high and low to get
> it to work, but I am having lots of problems.
>    I have been able to create the cocoon.war file, but I
> am unable to proceed further.
> Thanks
> Joseph Rajkumar
> PS: Please note that I have successfully installed and run
> Cocoon-2.0B1 with Tomcat-3.2.2 on Windows/98
> and a laptop running Linux-Mandrake-8.0, but I just cannot
> figure out the problem running this on a standalone Sun/Sparc-20
> running Solaris-2.7. I have JDK-1.3 on the Sun box which is
> running an Xserver and I do get response for "xdpyinfo" command.
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