
I have been having this problem for a while and I can't figure what is wrong.
I will really appreciate any tips.

I have a UTF-8 encoded xml file and I'm converting it to another xml using XSL.
The problem is that in the transformed xml the spanish characters instead
of preserving the UFT-8 representation are converted to... how to explain it?...
to its correct grafical representation (the document is perfectly legible but not 
UTF-8 encoded )

therefore, I get a UTF-8 encoded file with no utf-8 characters in it, and the
Java program which parses the xml  throws a invalid format exception.

I have made this test directly using XALAN and works ok. but, when I'm using
cocoon I get the erroneos characters.

I found a workaround using the xhtml formatter instead of the xml formatter. 
Using the xhtml formatter the non-us characters are preserved and the java
programs parses the xml perfectly.

Where is the problem? in Cocoon ? in the servlets container? in I? 



PS: I'm using c1.

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