Why can't I use dynamicly generated Stylesheets in Cocoon 2.
I tryed with the following configuration (sitemap):

<map:match pattern="test.xsl">
  <map:generate type="serverpages" src="test-stylesheet.xsp"/>
  <map:serialize type="xml"/>

<map:match pattern="test.html">
  <map:generate type="serverpages" src="test.xsp"/>
  <map:transform src="test.xsl"/>

But I got a File not Found exception.

Will this be fixed? Will this feature (using pipelines) be integrated in
a future Version of C2?

When I use a URL with transform:
  <map:transform src="http://myserver:8080/myapp/test.xsl"/>
it works, of course, but this, I think, will bring
a lack of performence.

Christoph Gaffga

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