Hello All:
I'm new to Cocoon2 and want to learn the steps involved in using actions
instead of embedding java logic in xsp pages. I've read the documentation
page on action and admit that I fail to understand the constructs behind the
HelloWorldAction and what it accomplishes (and hence am not able to
"extrapolate"). I get the next section that talks about the action sets and
have a vague idea on how they get called etc. So... I get some of the
high-level stuff and what I'd like is a working example that I can disect.
Perhaps an Action oriented solution to the "problem in embedding java logic
in xsp" (as outlined in actions.html documentation page -- this is the first
code sample on this page).
On my understanding, I'd like to present a step-by-step addition to the
Actions documentation.
Also, from my understanding of the documentation, the SQLTransformer class
takes a SQL Statement and "constructs" an XML from the result set... is this
My ultimate goal is to tie the Actions in with my classes that implement
business logic, db extraction, updates and inserts.
Thank you in advance for your patient reply.
Kind regards,
Sheshadri Mantha email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
LifeConnect, Inc. web site: http://www.lifeconnect.com
Telephone: 609.730.9180 Fax: 609.730.9663
Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>
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