On Sat, 14 Jul 2001, Berin Loritsch wrote:

> To further complicate things, we cannot always require a particular type
> of software be installed.  We have to work within our customer's
> configuration
> management.  That means if they don't like Tomcat but they like iPlanet
> w/servlets,
> then we have to support that configuration.  Our authentication methods
> cannot be broken because we can no longer use Tomcat's Database Realm.
> This requires us to implement our own login mechanisms--adding to the
> complexity
> of our software.

So basically you're saying you have custom authentication code. Where do
you put it in Cocoon2? I guess in an action, because you need to redirect,
right? If not, what do you do, if the user tries to access a protected
page prior to authentication?


Ulrich Mayring
DENIC eG, Softwareentwicklung

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