At the moment I am not using cocoon anymore, only Fop and Xalan, so the
following may not apply to cocoon 2.
Here is an explanation how I got Xerces to work in JRun without changing the
application (\JRun\lib\ext etc.)
At the moment I think it is easier and better for production environments
then the instructions on the cocoon 1 install pages.

sorry if not relevant,
Peter Jacobs

Peter Jacobs
De Budetstraat 8
B-3201 Aarschot

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Jacobs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: vrijdag 13 juli 2001 15:59
> Subject: RE: JRun exited abnormally...
> I'll try to help , but I am no expert...
> The problem is that JRun and Fop both need an XML parser. In "F:\Program
> Files\Allaire\JRun\lib\ext" is a XML parser, but it's an old one
> (Dom level
> 1). To use Fop and Cocoon, you need an xml parser with Dom level 2 (e.g.
> Xerces). If the old one is in the classpath before Xerces, it will load
> first and Fop will not work.
> Normally people suggest to put Xerces in this folder and rename it to
> aaXerces.jar. That way, it will load first. JRun will then also use Xerces
> for its own XML-parsing. But this solution is messy, and no system
> administrator will allow it on a production server, because it
> may interfere
> with other projects on that server.
> After some searching on the archives of fop-dev and cocoon-users
> and Allaire
> JRUN web support (very interesting!) I found the following
> solution which is
> much clearer (I think :-)
> The idea is that every server in JRun has its own java virtual
> machine. You
> change the classpath for that particular server so it loads first the
> classes in a local directory of that server, and then the classes in
> "\JRun\lib\ext". That way you don't have to put anything in the
> "JRun\lib\ext" folder and the JRun application and the other
> servers (Admin,
> Default) are not affected by your experiments.
> Step 1: restore JRun to the original configuration or reinstall JRun so it
> works again.
> Step 2: create a new server (e.g. "Fopserver" )  (see setup
> guide). Now you
> have 3 servers in "F:\Program Files\Allaire\JRun\servers" : "admin",
> "default" and "Fopserver" .
> This step is not really necessary, you can also use the existing default
> server if you want. In that case replace in the following steps
> "Fopserver"
> with "default".
> Step 3: edit the file
> "F:\Program Files\Allaire\JRun\servers\Fopserver\" :
> Change (or add if it doesn't exist) the line that starts with
> "java.classpath=" to:
> java.classpath={user.classpath};{jrun.classpath};{ejb.classpath};{
> asspath}
> For a definition of all these {...} see "F:\Program
> Files\Allaire\JRun\lib\".
> Items in of a server override for that server the ones in
> Step 4: put all the apache jars(Xerces,Xalan,Fop,...) and other jars you
> need in the folder "F:\Program Files\Allaire\JRun\servers\Fopserver\lib".
> They will be available to all apps in that server.
> works for me on Win2000/JRun3.0 and Solaris/JRun3.1
> regards,
> Peter Jacobs
> > Hi all!
> >
> >      I have installed JRun 3.0 on Win 2000 machine. I installed it as
> > application not as windows services. It was working quite fine
> but then i
> > added a couple of jar files in JRUN\servers\lib\ext and some jsps and
> > classes in my web application while the server was running. Then i
> > restarted the server. The server did not start and gave the error
> > "JRun exited abnormally Check evenet log". I checked the log file
> > and found
> > out that it gave error on loading default-app.
> > The error is
> > "error (JRun) JRun Aborting!
> [javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError:
> > java.lang.classNotFoundException:
> > org.apache.Crimson.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl]"
> >
> > Now no server is running even the admin server. Can anybody
> help me out of
> > this.???
> > Thanx
> > Wajid
> >
> >
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