Michael Homeijer wrote:
> In my opinion, an implementation of soap in C2 should not just be a
> logicsheet,
> but an extra channel in the interface with cocoon (both serving soap
> requests and performing soap requests on
> other servers). This way it should be easier to implement xml based services
> in a cocoon application instead of only xml based publishing.

I agree. The philosophy of Cocoon2 is different tools for different
purposes. The SOAP functionality would have to be spread over Actions,
XSP and Serializers, so that is too unelegant. My SOAP taglib for
Cocoon1 is implemented in XSP alone, because XSP in Cocoon1 can do more,
but it is also very unelegant. So the best thing is probably to write a
new tool altogether.


Ulrich Mayring
DENIC eG, Systementwicklung

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