On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 03:41:19PM +0200, Stefan Seifert wrote:
> <esql:parameter
> type="string"><xsp:expr>"Alex"</xsp:expr></esql:parameter>

You are absolutely right, this works !

> <esql:parameter type="string"><xsp-request:get-parameter
> name="Alex"/></esql:parameter>

Great, this works too, provided I declare the according namespace of course :
xmlns:xsp-request="http://apache.org/xsp/request/2.0"; (for Cocoon2.1-dev)

Actually, the "request" taglib I was using didn't exist anymore, and has
obviously been replaced by "xsp-request". I still wonder why I must use
<esql:parameter> tags and not <xsp:expr> like Olivier Jeulin suggested in
his reply ? (his solution concern another version of Cocoon I guess)

So it looks like there was no bug in the code, but there is one in the doc.
These URLs I learned from tell to use the "request" taglib :

Thank you very much for your help, it's really useful.

PS : I can get these docs up to date according to what have been said, if
some developper thinks it may be a good idea, just contact me...
Arnaud Bienvenu

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