java guru wrote:
> I guess .. What Mr.Drasko refering here is
> For example
> 1. You have two sub sitemaps say test1 and test2
> 2. Both of them have some pattern called "index" to
> serve a xsp called index.xsp.
> 3. Both sitemaps are set up to serve the index.xsp
> from their respective sub-folder called "docs".
> 4. But the content of the both index.xsp 's is diffent
> from each other.

To see if we are speaking the same language, are you
talking about a directory structure like this:


Even if the mounted sitemaps (iexplorer/sitemap.xml
and netscape/sitemap.xml) have the same URL because
they choose on browser type, they are treated completely

> 5. Now when you access the first sub-sitemap pattern
> index. The index.xsp is compiled into
> www/docs/ and then served

Not exactly correct.  The three index.xsp files above
are compiled into the following directories:


The generated filename follows the CONTEXT directory

> 6. Funny part now is if u try to access "index"
> pattern from second sitemap "test2".

Do you have a hard example of this?

> 7. Incase, c2 try to compile the index.xsp from this
> context, the package created in tomcat work directory
> would still be www/docs/ over writing
> the first one.

If you are talking about separate contexts, then you
have nothing to worry about.  The Servlet Engine gives
each Context it's own unique Work Directory.  Each
instance of Cocoon 2 will be using their _own_ work
directory as the repository for the generated classes.

> 8. Whats worser is for caching(or whatever reason) c2
> decides NOT to compile but to serve the same class
> file and serve the wrong contents.

Again, do you have a concrete example of this?

> Hope this complements Mr.Drasko's point and make the
> problem clearer ..
> Or may be this is not problem at all and there is some
> explanation...

The only other situation I can think of is this:


In this case, even if "loop-sitemap.xmap" is mounted as
"LOOP" the index.xsp is still going to be www/

Remember it goes by Context heirarchy--not URI heirarchy.

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