Hi Davanum,

the original problem was how to get apache working together with tomcat
and Cocccn2. There is actually a FAQ "Why does nothing happen when I
access 'http://localhost/cocoon/'?" Some possibilities are listed there.
in addition to these, in the case of mod_jk, it is crucial to include
the directive

JkMount /cocoon/* ajp12

along with other directives that are already listed in mod_jk.conf-auto
in the tomcat/conf directory. One could add the above directive at the 
end of httpd.conf.

The second problem I was looking into was the following. How can I use
the request http://your.server.org/Foo/welcome (as an example), where
Foo is an application that depends on Cocoon2, instead of employing
something like http://your.server.org/cocoon/Foo/welcome. So, it would
not be required to always include "cocoon" in the request. Mainly based 
upon Luca Morandini's suggestions, I could get things to work with the 
following two modifications:

1. Add to httpd.cond:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteLog "/var/log/rewrite.log"
RewriteLogLevel 0
RewriteRule ^/Foo /cocoon/Foo/ [R]
RewriteRule ^/Foo(.*) /cocoon/Foo$1 [R]

The file rewrite.log does not have to be located in /var/log. For 
instance, under Windows NT other locations may be appropriate. The 
RewriteLogLevel should be set 3 for debug purposes. The third line is 
essentially a redirect, so that Foo become /cocoon/Foo/ with the 
trailing /, without it the request would not map onto

<map:match pattern="">
   <map:redirect-to uri="welcome" />

if I request http://your.server.org/Foo.

Finally, the last RewriteRule could depend on the local settings.
The original suggestion by Luca was a single line entry (that replaces 
both RewriteRules above) according to

RewriteRule Foo/(.*) /cocoon/Foo/$1 [PT]

but this did not work in my case (Slackware Linux with Apache1.3, 
tomcat3.2.2, Cocoon2). Again, these RewriteRules may vary somewhat 
depending on the local settings. You may have to experiment somewhat

2. Add to the sitemap.xmap in the cocoon directory:

    <map:match pattern="Foo/**">
      <map:mount uri-prefix="Fru" src="/www/Foo/"
                 check-reload="yes" reload-method="synchron"/>

Here, /www/Foo is a some directory on the local file system where the 
xml, xsp, .., files of the application Foo live.

As Luca pointed out, the src attribute may have to include "file://"

I hope that the information above is useful for others as well.

With thanks to Luca, Lajos, Anders, and others.


Davanum Srinivas wrote:

 > Andre,
 > Can you re-post the complete instructions in the form of a FAQ? I 
will check it in.
 > Thanks,
 > dims
 > --- Andre Juffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >> Hi All,
 >> I got it finally working. The directive
 >> JkMount /cocoon/* ajp12
 >> did it. I apparently kept on missing that part, since this was not
 >> required for tomcat-apache-cocoon1, where always, it seems, .xml was
 >> employed to redirect xml request to cocoon1.
 >> I would support the suggestion of Luca to put these few things into the
 >> FAQ, because I would assume that more people make the same mistake 
as I did.
 >> Thank you for your help,
 >> Andre.
 >> Luca Morandini wrote:
 >>> Andre,
 >>>    this is snippet from my mod_jk.conf (get rid of mod_jk.conf-auto, or it
 >>> will be overwritten every time you start Tomcat):
 >>> <IfModule mod_jk.c>
 >>> JkWorkersFile "C:/Apps/Tomcat/conf/workers.properties"
 >>> JkLogFile "C:/Apps/Tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log"
 >>> JkLogLevel warn
 >>> JkMount /*.jsp ajp12
 >>> JkMount /*.xml ajp12
 >>> JkMount /cocoon/* ajp12
 >>> </IfModule>
 >>>    I presume this will do the trick of redirecting.
 >>>    Moreover, somewhere down mod_jk.conf, there is this cocoon-related 
 >>> #
 >>> # The following line makes apache aware of the location of the /cocoon
 >>> context
 >>> #
 >>> Alias /cocoon "C:/Apps/Tomcat/webapps/cocoon"
 >>> <Directory "C:/Apps/Tomcat/webapps/cocoon">
 >>>     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
 >>> </Directory>
 >>> #
 >>> # The following line mounts all JSP files and the /servlet/ uri to 
 >>> #
 >>> JkMount /cocoon/servlet/* ajp12
 >>> JkMount /cocoon/*.jsp ajp12
 >>> #
 >>> # The following line prohibits users from directly accessing WEB-INF
 >>> #
 >>> <Location "/cocoon/WEB-INF/">
 >>>     AllowOverride None
 >>>     deny from all
 >>> </Location>
 >>> #
 >>> # Use Directory too. On Windows, Location doesn't work unless case 
 >>> #
 >>> <Directory "C:/Apps/Tomcat/webapps/cocoon/WEB-INF/">
 >>>     AllowOverride None
 >>>     deny from all
 >>> </Directory>
 >>> #
 >>> # The following line prohibits users from directly accessing META-INF
 >>> #
 >>> <Location "/cocoon/META-INF/">
 >>>     AllowOverride None
 >>>     deny from all
 >>> </Location>
 >>> #
 >>> # Use Directory too. On Windows, Location doesn't work unless case 
 >>> #
 >>> <Directory "C:/Apps/Tomcat/webapps/cocoon/META-INF/">
 >>>     AllowOverride None
 >>>     deny from all
 >>> </Directory>

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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