Hi all!
  I am new to Cocoon, step by step following the "Java and XML" book.
I am using Cocoon 1.8 , It seems OK, All XML / XSLT / FOs works correctly , except the XSP compilation error!
I followed the "Java and XML" book (Oreilly) , and downloaded all the sample code from the Oreilly website,
and key-in the simpleXSP.xml (because the filesize is zero in the sample code, It seems an Oreilly's error).
But it can't start in my server. The error message is as follows:

Error found handling the request.

java.lang.Exception: XSP Java Compiler: Compilation failed for _simpleXSP.java
12: Package org.apache.cocoon.parser not found in import.
    import org.apache.cocoon.parser.*;
13: Package org.apache.cocoon.producer not found in import.
    import org.apache.cocoon.producer.*;
14: Package org.apache.cocoon.framework not found in import.
    import org.apache.cocoon.framework.*;
16: Package org.apache.cocoon.processor.xsp not found in import.
    import org.apache.cocoon.processor.xsp.*;
17: Package org.apache.cocoon.processor.xsp.library not found in import.
    import org.apache.cocoon.processor.xsp.library.*;
I am using RedHat 7.1 + Resin 1.2.7 , the resin.conf (cocoon part) is as follows:
    <web-app id="/cocoon" app-dir="/usr/local/cocoon">
      <classpath id='bin/cocoon.jar' />
      <classpath id='lib/xerces_1_2.jar' />
      <classpath id='lib/xalan_1_2_D02.jar' />
      <classpath id='lib/fop_0_13_0.jar' />
      <classpath id='lib/turbine-pool.jar' />
      <servlet-mapping servlet-name="org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon" url-pattern="*.xml" />
It seems a classpath problem. But I check the classpath, all seems OK!
I rebuild the cocoon.jar , and find that
there does exist
cocoon/build/src/org/xml/apache/parser,producer,..., directories. They DOES exist!
And the newly build /build/cocoon.jar is identical to cocoon/bin/cocoon.jar (both 244389 bytes)
But why can't I run XSP files ? Where goes wrong ? Please tell me , Thank you in advance!

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