
Please use Bugzilla to report problems ( if any :)

Please include As much information as possible:
- To recreate your environment (JDK, Servlet-Engine, OS)
- On what you are trying to do.
- Complete(?) sample as possible to recreate the problem.
- Relevent entries from sitemap.xmap, cocoon.xconf, cocoon.log etc.

Patches are really appreciated. The steps are as follows:
  #1: Get the latest sources from cvs.
  #2: Make your changes. 
  #3: Run "cvs diff -u" from xml-cocoon2 directory.
  #4: Zip up the text from step #3 + any additional sources.
  #5: Upload the zip to Bugzilla in your bug report.

Davanum Srinivas, JNI-FAQ Manager

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