
I want to use the LangSelect-Action (included in c2). They has a method
storeLanguage (public static java.lang.String
getLang(java.util.Map objectModel,
org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.Parameters par)).

Now I want to get the language out of the uri (e.g..
www.bla.de/en/index.html for the English page).
So I use in a pipeline the following map:match.
    <map:match pattern="*/welcome">
      <here i want to call the method with the parameter {1}/>
      <map:act type="lang-select">
        <here i can use the parameter - this works./>
        <map:redirect-to uri="{lang}"/>
I couldn't found how to do this.

thx in advance
Mario Brust


System Development

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