Hello everyone,

I am trying to run the Producer code (Dummy producer) which comes with
Cocoon .
I have compiled the source code ( source code of DummyProducer)  and placed
it in webapps/MyAppli/web-inf/classes .My aim is to test whether Cocoon can
discover any Producer class in that folder as servlet engine does for
servlet classes. So I have also edited the cocoon properties file by
replacing the line
"producer.type.dummy=org.apache.cocoon.example.DummyProducer" by
"producer.type.dummy=DummyProducer" .When I called the class
(http:localhost/MyAppli/anything.xml/producer=dummy ) , it gives me the
following error :java.lang.RuntimeException: Error creating DummyProducer:
class is not found

I also tried to put the DummyProducer class inside a package (com.Mypackage)
following this structure webapps/MyAppli/web-inf/classes/com/Mypackage, and
consequently edited Cocoon properties file by adding this line :
producer.type.dummy=com.Mypackage.DummyProducer but I am still getting the
same error.

I don't know what I am missing here !!
 I am wondering where should I put my producer class and how should I edit
Cocoon properties file for Cocoon to be aware of my producer.
Note: I am using Tomcat 3.2.1 and Cocoon-1.8.2

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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