Matteo Villa wrote:
> Hi there!
> I have the following problem with cocoon 2.
>    I get errors when I try to establish the connection between cocoon
> and oracle.
>    Running the simple-SQL (sql-page.xml) I get the following error:

Check the FAQ:

Your driver is not in the classpath.

Tomcat currently does not load zip files.  Your last placement of the "oracle.jar"
file is the correct one (assuming that the lib directory is the same as the others).
Check your connect string.  It is very possible that it is incorrect:


for example:


Also, make sure that your username and password are set correctly in the Cocoon.xconf

>    ---
>    org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to execute
> pipeline.:java.sql.SQLException: You cannot get a Poolable before the
> pool is initialized
>    ---
>    Java is jdk1.3
>    Oracle is 8.1.7 on Windows NT4 SP6a. I created an instance, which is
> up and running.
>    I can connect to it via sqlplus as well as via ODBC.
>    I read the user mailings (bug 2190) and did the changes as described
> (see attachments)
>    I tried also the following:
>    - got Oracle's, renamed to oracle.jar into
> {tomcat-home}\lib
>    - got Oracle's, renamed to oracle.jar into
> {tomcat-home}\webapps\cocoon\webinf\lib
>    - got Oracle's, produced a 'real' oracle.jar and put
> into {tomcat-home}\lib
>    - got Oracle's, produced a 'real' oracle.jar and put
> into {tomcat-home}\webapps\cocoon\webinf\lib
>    - changed the CLASSPATH to point also to the produced oracle.jar
>    nothing helps.
>    so: what am I doing wrong ?
>    The cocoon.log shows :
>    ---
>    DEBUG   99604   [cocoon  ] (Thread-5):
> org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.JdbcConnection: could not be
> instantiated.
>    java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver
>    ---
>    What do I have to do ?
>    Thanks in advance for any help!
> Matteo Villa
>                  Name:
>    Type: Zip Compressed Data (application/x-zip-compressed)
>              Encoding: base64
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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