Hi -

I've got a problem with C2 which _seems_ to be to do with XSL

I'm running C2.1 dev (last week's build), with Tomcat 3.2.1 on NT (P3
500mhz, 256mb RAM, 6gb disk).  I also have C1.8.2 set up on the same
machine, also running under Tomcat 3.2.1, which I have been using for
comparison purposes.

I have been converting a C1 app over to C2, and got everything working the
other day.  However, it is horribly, horribly slow - requests which were
taking 50-80 milliseconds under C1 are taking 3-5 seconds.

I've been able to log timestamps at various points, and have isolated where
the problem area seems to be - one line in my XSP code (a call to JNDI to
query an LDAP directory) in a particular page is where most of the delay is
occurring (around 3-5 secs worth).

The interesting thing is that the speed problem does not occur at all if the
page in question is just generated (without doing stylesheet
transformations).  This seems odd, as I would assume that the generation
process has to be complete before the stylesheet can be applied, yet it
appears that when a stylesheet transformation is specified the actual
generation process for this page slows down as well - I can see this from my
log lines showing the timestamp at key points.  The stylesheet is not
particularly complex, and under Cocoon 1.8.2 the whole thing was pretty
quick.  In C2 you can see the machine slow down while the page is being
processed - the JVM is maxing out the processor.  

Does anyone have any clues as to what could be causing this?  I did wonder
whether it could be something to do with caching - I am trying to cache both
the XSP page and the stylesheet.  From the log entries I think both are
being cached.  I assume now though that is is a problem either with my
configuration or in some bizarre way with my XSP and/or XSL, but I'm at a
bit of a loss to know what it could be.  It's also a bit of a blow to find
that something which worked perfectly in C1 has problems in C2.


Tim Bentley

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