Why do you feel you have to keep them synchronised.

If you have a number of resumes that all conform to
your resume.xsd markup, then they can all work through
the same stylesheets.  If your stylesheets are written
to accept the same markup, they can be used
interchangeably for whatever your desired result is.

That means that if you have the source files:

* siegried.xml
* roy.xml

That conform to the "resume.xsd" schema (which does
not have to be used at runtime BTW).

Then both stylesheets below will be able to process
both xml files above:

* resume2xhtml.xsl
* resume2fo.xsl

That means that you can have two outputs for every one
input.  If you had 20 resumes, you only have to keep
the one source file for each managed, and the two
stylesheets managed.  Now, instead of having to manage
40 different files (1 PDF and 1 HTML for each person),
you only have to manage 22 files.

The trick is be smart about how you set things up.

If there is some extra information that you want to
show up for PDFs and not for HTML, then you design
the resume2xhtml.xsl file to ignore the elements that
you want ignored.

--- Richard Heintze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wow!
>  As a sample I'm trying to use cocoon for my resume.
> To fully exploit cocoon/xml/xsl/fo and schemas I
> have
> to keep 5 files synchronized:
>   (1) siegfriedXSD.xml
>   (2) resume.xsd
>   (3) plain.xsl
>   (4) plain-fo.xsl
>   (5) siegfriedXSD-FO.xml (almost identical to
> siegfriedXSD.xml).
> Whew! that is a lot of work. Is there not some tool
> that will help?
>          Siegfried
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