Sorry, I'm a true beginner.
Working on Cocoon2, with Tomcat4 on win95.
I'd like to work on an ms-Access97 database (at least to see if everything
works, before going on mysql), but system is just waiting for hours, sending
exception in log files.

  I've put in  c:/Tomcat/Webapps/Cocoon/web-Inf/web.xml
the line :sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver

        <!-- For IBM WebSphere: -->
        <!-- For Database Driver: -->
 <!-- For Odbc Access Driver: -->

I've created a database and put it in c:/Tomcat/Webapps/Cocoon/Tries/try.mdb
and created an odbc Data Source DSNsystem
called "try" and pointing to try.mdb
No username, no password.

My try.xsp looks

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
 <title>Hello World!</title>
  <paragraph>This is my first Cocoon page!</paragraph>


   <esql:query>SELECT * FROM Notions WHERE Langue='en';</esql:query>


    <notions><esql:get-string column="Notion"/></notions>
    <lg><esql:get-string column="Langue"/></lg>


   <esql:no-results><error>no results were found</error></esql:no-results>





The corresponding sitemap.xmap is:

<map:match pattern="try.html">
   <map:generate type="serverpages" src="try.xsp"/>
    <map:transform src="try.xsl"/>
    <map:serialize type="html"/>

 Where the try.xsl simply gives the html tags and a general apply-templates.

What did I do wrong? I've put a copy of the c:\jdk1.3.1\jre\bin\JdbcOdbc.dll
in my windows/system directory in case.

But I only get lines like

Holding object in memory
Creating new instance

if someone can tell me what's going wrong.


France, Bordeaux, xml and gay pride.

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