On 09.Aug.2001 -- 01:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> what is required to get the http request parameter to work? I have
> [...]
> <xsp:page language="java"
>           xmlns:xsp="http://www.apache.org/1999/XSP/Core";
>           xmlns:esql="http://apache.org/cocoon/SQL/v2";
>           xmlns:request="http://www.apache.org/1999/XSP/Request";  <<---HERE
> >

> I'm using Cocoon 1.8.2

I'm not familiar with C1 but the above looks a lot like C2 syntax. In
C1 you need AFAIK processing instructions to apply taglibs. Should be
in the examples & xsp docs.


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