> I have been using Cocoon 1 for a little while and have been happy with
> results. Using the browser I can enter a URL that contains the path to
> XML file and then Cocoon renders the PDF in the browser. This  works
> Good job to all involved.
> I do have a couple of questions though.
> 1) The technique described above works well for XML files but in my
> application I will read the XML from a blob in the database (which I
> how to do). Say I get the XML from the database and put it into a
String. Is
> there any hooks in Cocoon so that I can call a method and pass it the
> string? Where can I see the Cocoon servlets source?

Use the esql-Stylesheet with get-xml, with this you can put a XML tree
from the database in you xml stream generated by cocoon. The xml has to
be wellformed in the database.

> 2) Has anyone managed to get background images working in FOP?

Never tried.
> 3) Has anyone managed to format dates in FOP?

Unfortunately XSLT has no date formatting functions. But you can use the
Java Core classes or you own classes for formatting in XSLT using the
java extension support in Xalan. It's the xalan-specific, of course. The
XSLT 1.1 Specs define a product-inpdependet extension support, but this
does not work in the current xalan-version used by cocoon 2. See
Xalan-Homepage on the apache website.


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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