I am trying to work out a good simple way to do fonts. I have a pipeling
that creates idealized UI components and then applies a look and feel for
the naked components. One of my components is a 'pane'

<ui:pane fontid="xxx" id="pane1">
   <ui:pane id="pane2">
   <ui:pane fontid="www" id="pane3">
            <ui:input fontid="yyy" name="username" type="text"/>
            <ui:input name="password" type="hidden"/>
            <ui:input name="login" type="submit"/>

In this example pane1 would enclose pane2 and pane3. At the HTML generation
stage it might use frames or tables to layout the page. I want to be able to
put default fonts on the pane, and if it is not present at html generation
time, I want it to use the font of the parent. But this means, near as I can
tell with HTML, that I have to put the font around every ui component inside
the pane. Essentially reproducing Cascading Style sheets.

The solution I have come up with applies a stylesheet to the html at the end
of the pipeline and wraps all tags that have a fontid attribute in a font
tag. This feels a little wrong to me, but I can not figure out an

A second question. What kind of XSL trick should I employ to pass the
fontids down to child panes (or other components). The idea is that the if a
pan or other ui component doesn't have a fontid it should use the fontid of
the parent. The same idea would be applied to background and foreground

Am I off on the wrong track completely here? Our application must write to a
number of output devices and we do not trust CSS. besides isn't XSL suppose
to be a replacement? I like the purity of an al XML based solution.
Might formatting objects be the solution? If so are there stylesheets for
writing to WAP and CHTML?

Mark Miller
Web Architect

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