I beg your pardon, but... why set up another site, while we can easily add
entries to the official Cocoon FAQ ?

Best regards,
I wrote a couple of FAQ entries myself... I've just sent them to Davanum
Srinivas [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] and he took care of putting it (in style :) ) into
the Cocoon2 FAQ: real easy.

               Luca Morandini
               GIS Consultant
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
          +39 0744 59  85  1 Office
          +39 0335 681 02 12 Mobile

> -----Original Message-----
> From: java guru [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: giovedě 16 agosto 2001 16.01
> To: cocoon users
> Subject: reg c2 documentation HOW DO I
> Hi Guys.,
>    This is regarding quick HOW DO I documentation for
> cocoon2.
>   I would like to contribute/host documentation on
> various topics related to c2. I thank the c2 team for
> keeping up with the clear and vast documentation and
> faq on the xml.apache.org site. But as human nature,
> we tend to look for *something-in-one-hour* quick
> receipe books/material.
>   So I thought how about compiling our "cocoon-users"
> experiences with c2 into "HOW DO I" receipe.
> All of you interested in sharing your experience with
> community are welcomed to write your own story about
> HOW DO I..and send to me for hosting..
> Please advice if any such efforts are on the way so
> that the work is not duplicated...
> If you decide to give back something to our
> community..please follow few tips
> 1. Write the document in any style you want.
> 2. Please dont hesitate to write little details also..
> 3. Please mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with subject
> 4. Please mention your name and/or contact email as i
> can mention that HOW DO I as your experience.
> 5. Please take some time and provide some solid
> examples(code prefered)..
> And finally all advices regarding this are highly
> appreciated..
> Thanks everyone..
> =====
> Thanks and have great day
> srini
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