  I have just used the following successfully..
   <map:match pattern="welcome2">
        <map:act type="session-isvalid">
                <map:generate src="docs/samples/samples.xml"/>
                <map:generate src="docs/samples/hello-page.xml"/>

As u can see., i am using two generators...

 --- Philipp Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi
>  why does something like this
>  <map:match pattern="navigation.xml">
>   <map:act type="session-validator">
>     <map:parameter name="descriptor"
> value="context://auth//descriptors//params.xml"/>
>        <map:parameter name="validate"
> value="username"/>
>       <map:generate src="myNavigation.xml"/>
>       <map:transform src="myNavigation.xsl"/>
>    </map:act>
>        <map:generate src="anotherNavigation.xml"/>
>        <map:serialize/>
>    </map:match>
> generate a  "org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException:
> Generator already
> set. You can only select one Generator (file)"
> error.
> I can't switch to  <map:redirect-to
> uri="anotherNavigation.xml"/>
> beacuse navigation.xml will be aggregated and this
> gives me no result .
> Any clues how to fix this or is there any reason why
> i can't do two
> <map:generate> ?
> Thanks advance
> Philipp
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Thanks and have great day

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