Dear All,

I have a practical question. I have this taglib that I have written 
earlier for C1. With C1, one could tell cocoon where to find the 
corresponding xsl file through an entry in What is 
the best way of doing this with C2. The cocoon.xconf file contains 
entries like

   <parameter name="prefix" value="session"/>
   <parameter name="uri" value=""/>
   <parameter name="href" 

If I want to use my own taglibs, should I also make a similar entry in 
cocoon.xconf, so that my taglib would be identified as a 
"builtin-logicsheet" as well. Or are there other procedures that one 
should follow to ensure that C2 recognizes my taglib. For instance, is 
it possible to have a cocoon.xconf in a separate directory where my own 
application lives (e.g. /cocoon/MyApplication) that is specific for that 
application? One would do this also with the sitemap.xmap. This would be 
a convenient way since then one could easily install a newer version of 
cocoon2 and only have to tell it where to look for MyApplication by a 
simple entry in the new sitemap in /cocoon. There is no need then to 
update the new cocoon.xconf as well (although, I admit, it is not really 
much work to do so).

Thanks for your help,

Andre H. Juffer              | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
The Biocenter and            | Fax: +358-8-553-1141
     the Dep. of Biochemistry | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Oulu, Finland  | WWW:

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