Just a little warning of a problem I experienced, it was wrong of me to say
that this should go into the tomcat.sh because if you kill the framebuffer
while tomcat is running, horrible things happens. this script should go into
a separate scriptfile and be started/stopped before/after tomcat.

mvh karl

karl wrote:

> if [ "$1" = "stop" ] ; then
>     # kill off any framebuffer running, kill kill kill :-)
>     kill -TERM `/sbin/pidof Xvfb`
> elif [ "$1"="start" -o "$1"="run" ] ; then
>     # start up a virtual framebuffer for cocoon2's rendering
>     Xvfb :1 -screen 0 320x240x24 &
> fi
> this setsup a virtual framebuffer for x to run in, now all the
> batik and svg
> stuff works without running a real x server.

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FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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