Date: 28 Aug 2001 12:11:02 +0200
From: Christoph Kliemt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi!
>  I still have problems connecting a postgres database.
>  ("Could not get the datasource java.sql.SQLException: You cannot get
>  a Poolable before the pool is initialized") 
>  Driver is loaded ok; database is connectable (tested with a small
>  java-program without the use of cocoon), config should be ok... i
>  hope...
>  Hmpf.. not that much information. Any hints?
>  Is there another way to get more information?

1) are you sure the correct jar is in <cocoon>/WEB-INF/lib? 

2) did you modify <cocoon>/WEB-INF/web.xml? 

3) did you modify <cocoon>/cocoon.xconf? 

If everything is correct, Stop Tomcat (or your servlet engine), delete
the working directory of your servlet engine, then run it again. 


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <>

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