We've got Cocoon installed on 2 Redhat 7.0 boxes:

box 1 (production box, public on Internet):

        OS: RedHat 7.0
        Tomcat 3.2.1
        Cocoon 2.b02

box 2 (experimental box, inside a Lan)

        OS: RedHat 7.0
        Tomcat 3.2.3
        Cocoon 2.b02

We always try to clone the experimental machine and the production machine
in order not having strange suprises.
Between these 2 boxes, apparently the only difference is the Tomcat version.
When trying the default Cocoon examples given by the default installation of
Cocoon on the box 1 (the one public on Internet) everything goes fines. For
example: http://www.nxtsis.com/cocoon/xsp/simple ,
http://www.nxtsis.com/cocoon/session/sessionpage.xsp , etc. are working ok.
But when trying the internal box 2 we only can acceed
http://andrea.esespasa.com/cocoon/i18n/simple.xml and
http://andrea.esespasa.com/cocoon/i18n/simple.xsp returns the xml code. All
other examples return "Page not found".

Tomcat and Cocoon configuration files are identical in both machines.

Any idea...?

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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