The following pipeline does not work as the parameter {1} isn't visible
after the email-action:

                        <map:match pattern="**.xml">
                           <map:act type="email">
                                <map:generate src="{1}.xml"/>
                                <map:transform type="xinclude">
                              <!-- The parameter 1 is not visible
anymore -->
                                        <map:parameter name="src" value="{1}.xml"/>
                                <map:transform src="xsl/page.xsl"/>
                                <map:transform type="ses">
                                        <map:parameter name="src" value="{1}.xml"/>
                                <map:serialize type="html"/>

The following version works

                        <map:match pattern="**.xml">
                           <map:act type="email">
                        <!-- Look here -->
                              <map:parameter name="1" value="{1}"/>
                                <map:generate src="{1}.xml"/>
                                <map:transform type="xinclude">
                                        <map:parameter name="src" value="{1}.xml"/>
                                <map:transform src="xsl/page.xsl"/>
                                <map:transform type="ses">
                                        <map:parameter name="src" value="{1}.xml"/>
                                <map:serialize type="html"/>

as the action return a map which duplicates the params:

    Map sitemapParams = new HashMap ();
    for (int i = 0; i < params.getNames ().length; i++)
        try {
            sitemapParams.put (params.getNames ()[i], params.getParameter
(params.getNames ()[i]));
            } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace (); }

Is this the right way?
Why do actions act like that? Why doesn't the pipeline union the different
parameter maps?


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