Hi Mario,

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, Mario Brust wrote:

> I'm using cocoon2b2 and want to use the Locale-Action. But I did not found
> any way to extract the language out of the uri.
> I want to have a uri like
> http://bla.bla/cocoon/bla/sitemaproot/de_DE/site.html.
> If I extract the locale I don't know what to do with.
> <map:match pattern="*_*/**">
>   <map:act type="locale">
>     <!-- This way don't work -->
>     <map:parameter name="language" value="{1}"/>
>     <map:parameter name="country" value="{2}"/>
>     <!-- But how to set the locale here without using
>          the CGI-Parameter ?locale={1}_{2} -->
>     <map:redirect-to uri="{3}" uri-prefix="{1}_{2}/"/>
>   </map:act>
> </map:match>

        I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to do there, but is this what
        you're trying to achieve ? :

        <map:match pattern="site.html">
          <map:act type="locale">
           <map:generate type="file"
           <map:serialize type="html"/>

        The only issue this the generate line above is that the 'country'
        field might not be set (eg. if the user has only 'de' specified as
        their preferred langauge, and not de_DE). An alternative would be to
        use {locale} instead, but make sure you have some technique for
        handling locales you do not yet support.

        For more complete internationalization have a look at the
        I18nTransformer. It's been recently added to the cocoon2.0 branch, and
        is also in trunk.

        Hope that helps.


     ,,$$$$$$$$$,      Marcus Crafter
    ;$'      '$$$$:    Computer Systems Engineer
    $:         $$$$:   Open Software Associates GmbH
     $       o_)$$$:   82-84 Mainzer Landstrasse
     ;$,    _/\ &&:'   60327 Frankfurt Germany
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           \_&&&&'     Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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