I just moved from dev (on NT) to production (UNIX) and realised the extent
of this problem. My initial reaction was to remove all references to svg in
the sitemap. This did NOT however stop the problem, I still got the error
during sitemap generation relating to svg! Oh dear, this does not look good
- cocoon 1.x didn't have this problem - I'm not entirely sure how to solve
it! I'd rather not have to stick with v1.x having done the work required to
move my app to v.2 (notice I've taken on board stefano's naming
recommendations :-).

If I manage to solve the problem, I'll get back to you, if not - has anyone
got a solution - no way I can install X on our servers.


Anthony Aldridge
Lead Application developer

Managed Intranet Hosting
Personal GDP: 325-8338
MIH Hotline: 876-1300

Gianugo Rabellino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/10/2001 20:28:33

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  Re: Cocoon2 with no batik at all.

> One mail on the list seems to say that a proper sitemap.xmap can avoid
> any call to any batik routine, so you can remove the batik-libs.jar.

Sure thing.

> What a great news!!!
> Did anyone made that?
> Is his sitemap.xmap available somewhere?

Sitemap.xmap is available under cocoon's context root (under tomcat look
into webapps/cocoon). You can edit it as you like. I didn't tried it,
but it should be enough to remove all serializers that deal with svg
(such as svg2jpeg and svg2png) as well as the FOP serializer (which uses
Batik too). Of course you need to remove the pipelines who refer to
those serializers too.

> Is it true? Or am I condemned to the neanderthal world of servlets?

Keep in mind that this is nor a Cocoon or Batik issue. The problem lies
with AWT that, in the Unix flavors of the JVM relies on a working X
environment. This means that virtually every servlet dealing with image
stuff needs to access the AWT environment so you would be stuck anyways.
With JDK1.4 I understand that this problem will be solved.


Gianugo Rabellino

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