Title: Installing Cocoon 1.8, in Visual Age 3.5

Hi everybody,

For those who are interested, i have successfully installed Cocoon 1.8 in Visual Age 3.5
Development environment.

To do that you must:

1) Create an Open Edition of the IBM XML Parser (you must be administrator)

2) Create an Xerces project

3) Import the content of the xerces.jar file into the Xerces project. Some of the elements
will be imported into the IBM XML Parser project (org.xml.sax)

4) Version both project

5) Open default.servlet_engine file and add a webapp for Cocoon, like this
   <websphere-webgroup name="cocoon">
       <auto-reload enabled="true" polling-interval="3000"/>

6) In the hosts/default_hosts directory of the websphere test environment, create a new directory
called cocoon, with two subdirectories: web and servlets.

7) In the servlets directory create a file named cocoon.webapp and copy the following in it:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
   <description>Cocoon Web App</description>

      <description>Auto-registration servlet</description>

      <description>Cocoon Servlet</description>

      <description>JSP support servlet</description>


      <description>File serving servlet</description>

8) Launch the Websphere Test Environment and clic on Edit Class Path

In the check boxes select the Xerces project.
In the Extra class path box, type the following paths:

9) In the web directory, copy the content of the cocoon samples directory

10) You can now start the websphere test environment

You can get the Cocoon configuration by typing the following url:

Or the samples:




Gilles Ducret
Wealth Management Division
IT Architect
Lloyds TSB Bank
Tel: + 41 22 307 31 50
Mob: +41 79 217 21 41

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