... I'm really didn't succed in installing
Tomcat's isapi filter on my IIS 4.0, but I didn't
tried hard. After this I decided not to redirect, but to use
separate ports on the fly.

If You succed with isapi - u can redirect Your tomcat's
(and cocoon's of course) requests from IIS.

I think these steps must be performed:

1. Installing and running Tomcat;
2. Installing and running isapi filter on IIS;
3. Installing and running Cocoon on Tomcat;

Each time adding a new Tomcats context (can be cocoon's servlet or anything
else u want){
        4. Configure isapi conf file to handle newly added context;

This must work.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 11:28 AM
Subject: RE: Cocoon 1.8.2 and IIS

well yes im dumb! Did i say anything else? I started working 1.5 months ago
and went to schol before that! I dont even know what a isapi filter is, i
installed one because it said so on another system with JRun.
I am told to set this up (IIS 5.0, Tomcat and Cocoon 1.8.2)and i browsed the
Net. Unfortunately there only have been Instructions how to set up Cocoon
with apche etc. Since i am so clueless im searching for help. Dont alot of
people have the same problem?
Pls help!

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