As far as I've understood C2, there is now a quite static sitemap which tells what request gets what XSL. This is too static for my needs, I would like to do a bunch of calculations and then decide on what XSL to use. Is there any way I can accomplish this with C2?
I have my own producer today with Cocoon 1 which creates Documents from data in my database, and these are then assigned an XSL depending on a bunch of parameters (from the database and user environment as well), ie I add PI:s to the Document DOM dynamically.
So - is it possible to use "classic" cocoon1.8 processing instructions with cocoon2, instead of specifying processing stages in the sitemap?
If not, can I do my own implement of the Sitemap interfaces and get C2 to use those instead?  My classes would act just like a sitemap (as the interfaces are the same) but get it's daata from database instead of a XML file in the filesystem.

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