Hello friends!

Need your help urgently!
I am new to Cocoon and XSP, so sorry for this question...
I'm writing an XSP, that reads from the DB the names of different items
and lists them in a table in a HTML document. Then on mouse click upon
any item a new window with another HTML-Document must be opened with the
information about this item. The count of items, their description etc.
may vary everytime, so it's clear to me that in the 1st HTML  the names
of items must be packed in a VARIABLE, that then must be transmitted
further to another XSP, which shows an information about the item
clicked. HOW CAN I DO THAT? I haven't found good examples im Net so far.

Would be very very grateful for a example or a  good link!

Thanks in advance!


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FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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