I have built and installed cocoon 2 on a fresh Weblogic 6.1 SP1 instance.

After unzip'ing the war file (another story), I have managed to get things to the 
point where I receive the following:

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException:  Language Exception
'org\apache\cocoon\www\sitemap\sitemap_xmap' due to a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

I've looked at the WEB-INF\work\org\apache\cocoon\www\sitemap\sitemap_xmap.java file 
and it is blank.  Under Cocoon, the same file was about 300K, so something appears to 
be going wrong during the transformation of the sitemap.xmap into the Java version.  
I've compared logs between Cocoon2 on tomcat 3.2.3 and the WL server, and there is no 
difference as far as I can see at the DEBUG level.

Thoughts?  Any way to get a more detailed trace of the sitemap Java generation and 
compilation process?

Ken Meltsner

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