
I'm curious about your problem; what version of Cocoon & Tomcat are you 



Jozsa Kristof wrote:

> Arno,
>   I've tried both the cocoon/WEB-INF/classes/ dir, which should be
> auto-included due to the Tomcat config, and setting the extra-classpath
> in Cocoon's web.xml. In the first case, I get extreme errors, Cocoon cannot
> even start up its default page. In the second case, the dir in
> extra-classpath gets ignored, even if I set it absolute, relative, whatever.
>   I've found a way, where Cocoon *can* find my own Action class, however.
> I've bundled my class file in the right directory structure in a .jar file,
> and dropped it into WEB-INF/lib beside cocoonXX.jar and such. Using that way
> (but only that), Cocoon can find my action class, and starts up correctly,
> but situation still aint clear..
>   I'm trying to get a parameter from my Cocoon action. I've used the
> standard way of setting the parameter on the java side, from act() returning
> a Map object, just as I've seen it in the examples. I also try to reach it
> the standard way from the xsp: <xsp-request:get-parameter name="hello"
> default="did not worked"/>, and I only get the default value back every
> time. 
>   So the question still stands: can anyone show me a Hello-World like
> example of setting a value from a Java action class which can be retreived
> from an xsp with the correct sitemap setup? 
> I'm begging for this, I'm suffering on that very same problem for 1 whole
> week, and I cant step any further.
> Best regards,
> Christopher
> On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 09:07:35AM +0100, Arno Illmann wrote:
>>Hi Christopher, here is what Vadim Gritsenko wrote to me in a similar case. 
>>In the end I putted the class file in the cocoon source and made a new 
>>build. This works, but it should be easier as shown below.
>>Here is couple of hints for you:
>>1) Extra-classpath the way you specified would never work. The correct path 
>>would be:
> \
>>ses</param-value> </init-param>
>>2) You do need to add ...\cocoon\WEB-INF\classes into classpath, because it 
>>is added
>>automatically by the servlet contaier (Tomcat)
>>If you have DatabaseSelectAction.class file in \
>>...\cocoon\WEB-INF\classes\org\apache\cocoon\acting, you do not required to 
>>add any \
>>classpath entries. Try to restart Tomcat and access sitemap again. If this 
>>fails, I \
>>do not have other pointers...
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Arno Illmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>>Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 2:34 PM
>>>Subject: installing of actions
>>>In the morning I posted this at the wrong thread so I do it again.
>>>My tryings over the day came not to success too and I hope, someone with 
>>more \
>>>cocoon knowledge can shed us  some light on the following?
>>>Thanks in advance, Arno Illmann
>>>I did this:
>>>1) downloaded from CVS and compiled it to
>>>2) added to cocoons web.xml:
>>>asses\org\apache\cocoon\ac ting\DatabaseSelectAction.class</param-value>
>>>3) added to the sitemap of the tutorial web application example:
>>><map:action name="dbSel" 
>>src="org.apache.cocoon.acting.DatabaseSelectAction"/> <!-- \
>>>added --> <map:action name="dbAdd" \
>>>src="org.apache.cocoon.acting.DatabaseAddAction"/> <map:action 
>>name="dbDel" \
>>>src="org.apache.cocoon.acting.DatabaseDeleteAction"/> <map:action 
>>name="dbUpd" \
>>>src="org.apache.cocoon.acting.DatabaseUpdateAction"/> <map:action 
>>name="form" \
>>>src="org.apache.cocoon.acting.FormValidatorAction"/> </map:actions>
>>>The error message after invoking the tutorial is :
>>>org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception in Handler:
>>>Could not set up Component for hint: 
>>>Without <map:action name="dbSel" \
>>>src="org.apache.cocoon.acting.DatabaseSelectAction"/> it started 
>>seriously. I then
>>>tried other paths in init param extra classpath, and other funny things.
>>>I think it could be no packages/path problem and compiling was without 
>>errors. But \
>>>is i.e the syntax of path  to the class file right (its the right on my 
>>windows \
>>>machine) or must I use a jar file? Any hints are very  very welcome.
>>Jozsa Kristof wrote:
>>>On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 01:55:45PM +0100, Jozsa Kristof wrote:
>>>>I wrote a HelloWorld-like action based on the docs located in my cocoon
>>>>install: /cocoon/documents/actions. I've put the file in
>>>>/cocoon/WEB-INF/classes (using the package name 'test', so
>>>>..which means exactly afaik that Cocoon is unable to find the right Avalon
>>>>component for the specified action, eg. cant find HelloWorldAction.class
>>>Maybe I need an entry in my WEB-INF/web.xml file like:
>>> <param-name>extra-classpath</param-name>
>>> <param-value>WEB-INF/classes</param-value>
>>>That's all I could find out.. but that did not helped even :( Maybe I need
>>>to set it somewhere else too to let Cocoon find my own Action class
>>>Please help.. I'm getting lost completely.
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