> Dear Cocoon users
> We would like to invite you to view our newly released website based on cocoon2 and
> turbine at the URL below.
> http://www-eng.tp.edu.sg
> A brief about the web site and CMS system.
> We have built a Content Management System(CMS) for over 60++ content publishers using
> Jakarta Turbine for the admin module to organise/manage their web pages. Turbine also
> provide the access control portion. Velocity was used to develop the screens for CMS.
> Users use MS Word to prepare their documents/content. These pages are then uploaded
> by CMS from the desktop to the server. At the server we use logitran to translate the
> MS Word document into a temp XML format. We then use Cocoon to translate it into a
> predefined XML format. Display templates are then used to generate HTML pages for the
> browser under Cocoon.
> The configuration is such that the CMS system is sitting on one server where all the
> publisher will use it to prepare and preview their web pages. Once confirmed/approved
> the approved pages would then be replicated to the producton/live server.
> The CMS system is running on a Win2000 adv svr,logitran 5.4.5, apache web svr, tomcat
> 3.2.2 and mysql, turbine 2.0, velocity and Cocoon 2 beta 1. The live system is
> running on a Win2000 Adv server(Compaq 1GHZ twin CPU server w/1GB RAM), on Apache web
> svr, Tomcat 3.2.2, MySQL, Cocoon 2 beta 1 and Turbine 2.0.
> We have had many challenges in getting the system up and would like to Thank the many
> people in this newsgroup and Turbine who have been helping me and Kok Choon. Many
> Thanks also to David from Logitran. We hope that this announcement would inspire
> others to have the confidence to use Cocoon under a live environment.(our website
> currently have 400 pages....not bad for a start)  The real benefit is that the
> lecturers now can conveniently use MS Word to prepare the content and our system
> using Cocoon&Turbine takes care of the rest. No more HTML or waiting for the web
> programer to punch out the code. A big Thank You to the Cocoon and Turbine Gang.
> The workis not over yet. Other than enhancements we are having some problems. Any
> assistance would be much appreciated of course:-
> 1)Netscape support for Cocoon. Kok Choon is having problem getting his java script to
> work with his Cocoon generated code.
> The sympton is as follows. point your netscape to www-eng.tp.edu.sg
> 1. First time connection to the website using netscape 4.78, sidebar function does
> not work. You will have to reload the frame.

In this case the JVM is out of memmory....

> 2. After refreshing, the sidebar appears, but the content window will be filled with
> funny chars shaped like little square boxes replacing the text content. Of course, if
> you copy these square boxes and paste into notepad, the actual text does appear!

Don't use UTF8 encoding.  Use an older/more traditional ISO-8859-1 encoding.
Netscape doesn't play nice with UTF8

> According to our programmer, Kok Choon , the web pages rendered in Cocoon is not
> supported by Netscape 4.78.

That would be more of a function of the end markup used.  If the markup is not
friendly, and the encoding is not friendly (both can be controlled by Cocoon),
then thre result won't be what you expect.

> 2)we are encountering some performance issue due the model of elements used in
> Turbine. (Turbine groups are used to model the folder, web pages hierarchy) Any Gurus
> out there who would like to discuss this plse contact me.

Check the RAM resource requirements--Your servlet engine is overloaded.

> Any assistance on how to fix issue this would be much appreciated.
> Thanks in advanced for all your kind help... Attached are the 2 style sheets used in
> the aggregation of the web page.
> Rgds,
> ........................................................
> Jessica Kung                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Brel Software Pte Ltd                  Tel: 65-272-6800
> Blk 1003 Bukit Merah Central           Fax: 65-272-2811
> #07-01/02                              http://www.brel.com
> Singapore 159836                       11/01/01 22:14:02
>            Pls call us for the following services
>          Web Creation, Web, Email & Domain Hosting
>                  B2B B2C ASP CMS E-Commerce
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";>
> <xsl:output method="html"/>
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>              <TD><A href="#" onmouseout="popDown('elMenu1');MM_swapImgRestore()" 
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>                  <A href="#" onmouseout="popDown('elMenu2');MM_swapImgRestore()" 
> border="0" name="Image2" src="pic/sidemenu/courses1.gif"/></A><br/>
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> border="0" name="Image6" src="pic/sidemenu/news_n_events1.gif"/></A><br/>
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> border="0" name="Image7" src="pic/sidemenu/newsletters1.gif"/></A><br/>
>                  <A href="#" onmouseout="popDown('elMenu8');MM_swapImgRestore()" 
> border="0" name="Image8" src="pic/sidemenu/sitemap1.gif"/></A></TD>
>         </TR>
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>                               <FORM action="search_swish.xml" method="POST">
>                                       <TD align="middle" height="35"><INPUT 
>type="text" size="10" name="keyword"></INPUT></TD>
>                                       <TD>
>                                              <INPUT alt="Go Search !!" name="Submit"
>                                               src="pic/sidemenu/go_button1.gif" 
>type="image" border="0"/></TD></FORM>
>                         </TR>
>                         </TABLE></TD>
>                 </TR>
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> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [
> <!ENTITY nbsp   "&#160;">
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>     xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";
>     xmlns:ns1="http://www.brel.com/maincontent";
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>     xmlns:ns4="http://www.brel.com/links";
>     xmlns:ns5="http://www.brel.com/banner";
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>                           <TD width="131" bgcolor="#ff7800" 
>                           <TD width="649" bgcolor="#ff7800" id="navigation1">
>                              <FONT id="navigation2">
>                                 Home
>                              </FONT>
>                              >>>
>                            </TD>
>                          </TR>
>                      </TABLE>
>              </TD>
>            </TR>
>            </TABLE>
>            <TABLE border="0" cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0" width="780">
>            <TR vAlign="top"><!-- left -->
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>                              <xsl:apply-templates select="page/ns6:navigation"/>
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>                         <br/><br/>
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>                           <TR vAlign="top">
>                              <TD width="70%"></TD>
>                              <TD width="30%" align="left">
>                                <FONT id="footer2">
>                                <BR/>Contact us at:
>                                <BR/>Temasek Engineering School, <br/>21 Tampines 
>Avenue 1,<BR/>
>                                     Singapore 529757.
>                                     <BR/>Tel: 780 5144. Fax: 787 7641</FONT></TD>
>                           </TR>
>                         </TABLE>
>                         <xsl:apply-templates select="page/ns2:foot_note" />
>                     </TD>
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>    <xsl:apply-templates/>
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>    <xsl:apply-templates/>
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> <xsl:template match="@*|*|text()|processing-instruction()" priority="-1">
> <xsl:copy>
>         <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|*|text()|processing-instruction()"/>
> </xsl:copy>
> </xsl:template>
> </xsl:stylesheet>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
> FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>
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"Those who would trade liberty for
 temporary security deserve neither"
                - Benjamin Franklin

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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