I have
        Cocoon 2.0rc1a
        Tomcat 3.2.3
        jdk 1.3.1
        RedHat Linux 7.2 (approx)

I've put a simple application to test cocoon, but I'm not able to pass 
arguments to my xsl transformation.  Ie, if I have a file "agenda.xml" 
and another one named "agenda.xsl", and in the sitemap.xml I have 
something as:

    <map:match pattern="agenda.html">
     <map:generate src="agenda.xml"/>
     <map:transform src="agenda.xsl"/>
     <map:serialize type="html"/>

When I point my navigator to 
everything works like a charm.  The problem is when I try to access to 
the same page but using a parameter, as

(in my xsl file I have

  <xsl:param name="foo" select="'f'"/>

foo is still equal to 'f' and not to 'bar', as I was expecting.

Searching with google I've found some links that suggest that the line:


in the sitemap.xml may be related, but even if I change false to true I 
still get the same behaviour.

What should I do to have xsl:param's automatically read from url parameters?

Thanks in advance!


P.S.: I will be happy enough with a rtfm if you add an url to tfm.

Joaquin Cuenca Abela

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