We are trying to use cocoon to develop a web service.

After reading the cocoon documentation I have concluded that the XSLT 
that is used by a transformer must be statically declared in the sitemap 
What we want to do is at run time, generate an XSLT in the generator or 
in a XSP tag and then pass this XSLT to the next element in the 
pipeline, a transformer, to be used.

So the pipeline should work as follows
1)Generator reads the XML page
2)Generator generates programmatically an XSLT
3)Generator passes the XSLT to the first transformer in the pipeline.

We assume that the XSLT will be generated inside a user defined XSP tag.

I have the following questions
1)Do we have to write our own generator to do that??
2)Do we have to write our own transformer??
3)Does cocoon provides APIs for doing what we want to do??

Any suggestions of how to programmatically pass an XSLT from the 
generator to a transformer, are wellcomed.


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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