At 04:18 26/11/01, Mark S. Kent wrote:
>Sorry if this is off-topic, but I didn't see an FOP "User" list, just a
>"Developer" one, so let me know if I need to ask this question over there.

There is one. It is just a bit quiet.

>Is there a command in Apache's FOP to rotate the page by 90 degrees to get a
>landscape orientation for PDF?

This is in the FAQ and has been argued to death. Try the archives for the 
mailing list.

If you want to change orientation in the middle of a document you will find 
quite hard. I don't know if anyone can do that with FO.

However most of the time you just need to swap round the width and the height
parameters and tadah portrait becomes landscape and vice versa.
Most people report that this prints fine.

>   I have an output file that reads from a
>database to get a list of types that are created by the client.  I then use
>that count of types to create a loop of how many columns I should draw (I
>haven't actually written the code yet -- I'm making assumptions that will
>work with <fo:> commands).  So, there could be more types creating columns
>in my table that would cause the columns to scroll off of the page and not
>be seen.
>Is the width parameters in FO/PDF required to be hardcoded?

Yes - as far as I know. At least that has been the case for most of the 
last year
whilst I have been using tables in FOP. I don't know if it has changed.
XSL:FO I think allows percentage widths in tables, but I don't know if that 
is implemented
in the latest version.

>Otherwise, I
>plan on using a calculated number based on known first column widths plus
>product of the type count and a fixed column value for each type column.

That is roughly what I have done in the past.

Wow - I actually helped someone on the Cocoon users list! That must be a 


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